Lowongan Kerja Terbaru BUMN PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Januari 2025

Memiliki atau mendapatkan pekerjaan merupakan kebutuhan utama bagi setiap orang/masyarakat, dengan adanya pekerjaan, kita dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kita sehari-hari baik itu kebutuhan pokok ataupun style yang ingin kita tampilkan, akan tetapi untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan bukanlah hal mudah, banyak pelamar yang telah mencantumkan berkas lamaran mereka terhadap perusahaan akan tetapi belum juga menerima panggilan kerja. Hal itu dikarenakan berkas lamaran yang cantumkan terhadap perusahaan memiliki kesalahan ataupun berkas yang anda lemparkan tidak sesuai dengan kriteria/kebutuhan yang dimiliki oleh pihak perusahaan. Dalam hal ini anda disarankan terlebih dahulu sebelum anda melemparkan berkas lamaran anda terlebih dahulu anda harus mengetahui kriteria apa saja yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan ataupun skill yang dibutuhkan, dengan begitu anda akan mengetahui apakah skill dan kriteria yang anda miliki sesuai dengan keinginan perusahaan. Dan apabila hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan keinginan anda, akan tetapi anda ingin masuk dalam perusahaan tersebut, maka jauh-jauh hari anda telah mencari tahu tentang perusahan tersebut, sehingga ketika dibukanya rekrutmen anda tidak akan mengalami kendala.

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk berdiri pada 2 Oktober 1998 sebagai bagian dari program restrukturisasi perbankan yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia yang berkantor pusat di Jakarta, dan merupakan salah satu bank terbesar di Indonesia dalam hal aset, pinjaman, dan deposit. Pada bulan Juli 1999, empat bank milik Pemerintah yaitu, Bank Bumi Daya (BBD), Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia (Bank Exim), dan Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo) digabungkan ke dalam Bank Mandiri yang mulai beroperasi sebagai bank gabungan milik pemerintah Indonesia pada pertengahan tahun 1999.

Dan kini pihak perusahaan telah membuka rekrutmen terbaru dengan persyaratan atau kebutuhan pendaftaran adalah sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru BUMN PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Januari 2025

1. Officer Development Program Business Enabler 2025

Requirements :

  • Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University
  • Grade Point Average:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
  • Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old.
  • Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old.
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
  • No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Required Skills :

  • Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
  • Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
  • Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information.
  • Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others.

2. Officer Development Program Information Technology 2025


  • Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University, such as Computer Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Electric Engineering, Information System, Computer Science, Data Science, Statistics, etc.
  • Grade Point Average:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent.
  • Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
  • Maximum age at selection:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
  • Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication.
  • No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey.
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Required Skills:

  • Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
  • Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
  • Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information
  • Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others

3. Officer Development Program Wholesale Banking For Corporate Banking 2025


  • Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University, such as Economics, Engineering, Business Law, International Relations, Communication, Statistics, Mathematics, etc
  • Grade Point Average:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent
  • Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent.
  • Maximum age at selection:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
  • Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old.
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
  • Preferably able to speak other languages, such as Mandarin
  • No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia.

4. Officer Development Program Regional Business 2025


  • Local or International Bachelor’s graduates (S1) or Master’s/post-graduate (S2) in the relevant field of studies from a reputable University.
  • Grade Point Average:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): minimum 3,00 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent.
  • Master’s degree (S2): minimum 3,20 on a 4,00 GPA scale, or equivalent.
  • Maximum age at selection:
  • Bachelor’s degree (S1): 25 years old
  • Master’s degree (S2): 27 years old
  • Demonstrate professional dispositions with good networking and communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both written and verbal communication
  • No member of the nuclear family currently works in Bank Mandiri (i.e., parents, siblings)
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the first year of the program’s journey.
  • Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Required Skills:

  • Good networking skills in formal and non-formal approaches with various levels of correspondence
  • Entrepreneurial, eager to connect with others, and willing to be part of related activities inside and outside of the organization to achieve goals
  • Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information
  • Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others

Cara Daftar :

Berminat untuk melamar silahkan lakukan pendaftaran melalui link berikut.

Posisi 1 - DAFTAR

Posisi 2 - DAFTAR

Posisi 3 - DAFTAR

Posisi 4 - DAFTAR

Pendaftaran paling lambat 31 Januari 2025


Telegaram : https://t.me/pusatkerja2

Telegram : https://t.me/lokerterbaru27

Instagram : www.instagram.com/pusatkerja

Dan bagi teman-teman yang ingin mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya, sesuai keinginan anda silahkan cek di link.


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