Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 PT Kaltim Prima Coal Oktober 2023

Sebelum anda bekerja sama, bersama perusahaan yang anda lamar, maka anda akan menghadapi banyak rintangan serta tantangan yang akan diberikan pihak perusahaan terhadap diri anda, hal ini bertujuan agar perusahaan dapat menemukan kandidat terbaik yang dapat mengembangkan kinerja dari pada perusahaan serta dapat meningkat peforma yang dimiliki oleh pihak perusahaan. Hal-hal yang biasanya diberikan perusahaan terhadap pelamar biasanya yaitu melakukan tahap seleksi. Tahap seleksi biasa yang paling sering dilakukan adalah Wawancara, psikotes, TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik), dan masih banyak lagi. Dan untuk itu disarankan terhadap sobat, sebelum anda mencampakan lamaran anda, anda terlebih dahulu telah meningkatkan pengetahuan yang anda miliki, serta berlatih dalam menghadapi tahapan seleksi yang paling sulit, seperti wawancara. Sehingga ketika anda menghadapi tahapan seleksi tersebut, teman tidak akan mengalami kendala, akan tetapi membangkitkan kepercayaan diri anda serta potensi yang anda miliki.

Dan berikut adalah keterangan yang dimiliki oleh pihak perusahan sebagai berikut.

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC ) adalah perusahaan pertambangan batubara yang terletak di wilayah Sengata, Kalimantan Timur. KPC telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1992, dan merupakan salah satu pertam bangan open pit terbesar di dunia. PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) mengoperasikan tambang batubara di Sangatta Kalimantan Timur dan merupakan salah satu tambang batubara ekspor terbesar di dunia. Untuk mempertahankan posisinya sebagai penghasil batu bara paling efisien di dunia, KPC sedang melakukan peningkatan bisnis dan kinerja secara formal. PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) memiliki konsesi pertambangan dengan ukuran sekitar 90.938 hektar di Sangatta dan Bengalon di provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Pada 2012, total produksi batubara KPC di tambang Sangatta dan Bengalon mencapai 41,0 juta ton, naik dari 40,5 juta ton pada 2011.

Kini pihak perusahaan telah membuka rekrutmen terbaru dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 PT Kaltim Prima Coal Oktober 2023

1. Engineer – Mechanical

Key elements of the position include:

  • Provide design, specification, and cost estimation for modificatons and additions to mining equipment and infrastructure. It should meet the International standards.
  • Design, implement, or improve mechanical facilities or systems for building or workshop purposes.
  • Advise divisional staff on mechanical engineering matters identified as necessary to meet the division’s goals and objectives
  • Perform a wide range of engineering tasks by operating computer-assisted design or engineering software and eguipment.
  • Confer with customers, engineers, and others to discuss existing or potential engineering Products or projects.
  • Ensure the Installation and Operations conformm to standards and customer reguiremants by preparing mechanical sysiems specifications, technical drawinga or topographical maps.
  • Estabiish construction, manufacturing, or installation standards or spedifications by performing a wide range of detailad caiculations.
  • Engure compiiihoe with specificationa, codes, Or customer reguirements by directing or cogedineting inetakaya, manufacturing, construction, documentation, support, or testing activities


  • S1 Mechanical Engineering with 3 years’ experience in mechanicat systam projects.
  • Having qualified certification for mechanical competency.
  • Having good knowledge of project management, finenciel manggement. and SNI related to mechanical engineering.
  • Having good contract management skills
  • Able to work with MS Excel, MS Word, AutoCAD, and Ellipse.
  • Having good communication and report writing in English (minimum level 4).
  • Having a driving license.
  • Having good knowledge and ability to implement KPC safety policies & procedures.
  • Having good knowledge of products on the market to Improve eguipment perflarmance.
  • Having good leadership and analytical thinking skills to solve problems.
  • Having good communication and people management skills.
  • Having excellent interpersonsl skills to establish and maintain customer relations.
  • Able to make sirategic plans and supporting programs.

2. Senior Engineer – Mining

  • Key elements of the position include:
  • Conduct daily pit inspection of land cisering and top soiling activities, and monitor contractors to optimnize topsoil recovery. Monitor and analyze actual wali position and dump face position and communicate are Also, identify any contractor activities that impacted the financial loss to KPC,
  • Communicate wilh contractor-autharizod personnel to ensure all the action planned far enviionmental issues was taken. Close work with the KPC environmental department in monitoring and inspecting environmenisl Issues Impacted by contractors.
  • Provide weekly of ali the operation activities and projects related to contractors’ activities. Also, provide and anelyze records of any daily work activities agked by other KPC departments and give feedback to the KPC Gepartment when necessary.
  • Evaluate the contractors short:term plan and identify any loss or gain impacted to KPC. Review the Conttractor’3 mine schedule and forecast.
  • Coordinste with other depariments (Mine Planning, Geology, and Environmental: to do joint pit inspections regulariy.
  • Conduct projecis as reguested such as the cost Impact of low wall and high wall cutback, dump balance and OB haul distance, and pit dewataring.
  • Demonstrsis and encourage conformity to and implementation of HSE regulations, policies, rules, and systems
  • Supervise and implement biminees and performance Improvement within the work urut.
  • Implament activities as.an instruction to achisve efficient and optimum manner.
  • Contribute to 1hg Implementation of knowledge managemant within the work unit by, e.9. performing coeciiing and tomMedge sharing wkh peers.


  • S1 Mining Engineering wath a minimum of 6 years experience in a mining technical engineering position in the mining contract sector.
  • Good command ol English (oral and written),
  • Excellent skills in computing and data analysis programs.
  • Good command of mining software such as Minescape Strst model, Spry, and MineX (preterred)
  • Able to think lateratiy and innovate.
  • Have good practical conceptual skills,
  • Good understanding of continucus Improvement practicea.
  • Good understanding of financial analysis methods,
  • Detailed knowledge of policies, procedures, andi regulations Impacting the mine.
  • Have good analyticel problemn-solving skilts together with mechanical aptitude to solve technical difficulties.
  • Have a Pengawas Operasional Pertama (POP) certification.

Baca Juga :

3. Senior Draftsman

Key elements of the position include:

  • Provide detail drawing for haul toed. rosd diversion, underpass, sediment ponds, undergiound tunnel, bridges, drainages and other civil works for tender purpose until projeci finished.
  • Assist Engineer Cimi 6 Envkonmental Planning to provide volume of cut and MI eerthwork besod on design
  • Prepare KPC’s Infrastructure maps based On civil work capital project as engineer dikecbons.
  • Provide actueland tong term maps of water management in overall KPC mine site ‘cetchments area, road, creeks, water lowing, pump directians, etc).
  • Provide regutarty remaining volume pand or void basad on sounding data survey taam released.
  • Prepergand regulariy update contour data, croek, road drainaga from Minex to Mapinfo’s fila,
  • Prepare and regularty update computer directortes to compty with internal standaida. ensure there are computer beckupa, sccurmtety record drafting and publishing reports/documenis 85 well as enabie inlormation 10 be easity lacated by other team members
  • Manipulats and format drafting plans ta provide technically accurata, professional and readity understood Gocumanis fos the use by both KPC and comirecting personnel
  • Coordinehe and monitor drafting intomstian, from the mine pits, techrucal sermoes and other sources, to mamntain Cument data, check for cansistency and utilise in the production of technical reports.
  • Prepare and ciosety monitor pit progress boundary data such as Ctearing, Pit Active. Dump Active,
  • Rehabilitation Jsea and others or reconciNaton and @aemei reporting PUOLes.
  • Dalivar and tecaive survey indirumami such as thea Global Positioning Syalem (GPS), Total Station and others to/irom vendor for service/osiibratlon purposes.
  • Damonsirata and encowraga Conformity Io and Implementation of HSE regulatans polices, rules and systems.
  • Implement and supgivise Implementation of business and perlormance improvement within work unit.
  • Implement aeiMilles as Instnyction to achieve efficiont and oplimum manner.


  • Minimum Senior High School (SMA/STM) with a minimum of 7 years experience Or Diploma with 3 minimum of 3 years expertance as a draftmans
  • Sound and demangtrated knowledge of efisctive drafting and documentatian layouts/ presentation formats.
  • Willingness, Interest, and enihusiasm for getning new skdila pariicularty computer drsfting’desktop publshing packagas.
  • Effective written and oral communication akilisin both Engilah anci Bahoss Indonesia.
  • Good knowisdge oi statutory reporting raguremants srid regulations.
  • Detalled mindadness as well as a strong orentition to the provison of sccurate, professional, and guslity reporta, plana and documentation.
  • Able to action technical drafting standards on small scales whilst sppreciating the broader concemns/issues
  • Strong customer focus.

Tertarik untuk melamar silahkan lakukan pendaftaran melalui link berikut. 

Posisi 1 - DAFTAR

Posisi 2 - DAFTAR

Posisi 3 - DAFTAR

Pendaftaran paling lambat 11 Oktober 223


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